Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Android: Test investigating for RAM consumption - Heap and Heap Dump

The process of allocating new objects and removing the unused objects to make space for the new allocation is termed as Memory Management.  

Object Memory Management - Heap and Stack

Hearing the two terms Stack and Heap, can bring confusion in the memory management. Though I will not get in detail about each here, I will share briefly for what I have understood.  

The 'stack' memory is used for static memory allocation and 'heap' is used for dynamic allocation. For those allocated on the 'stack', they are stored directly to the memory and the allocation happens when the program is compiled. Whereas for those allocated on 'heap' have their memory allocated at the run time and the size of heap is limited by the virtual memory. Both the 'heap' and 'stack' are stored in RAM.

Shallow Heap and Retained Heap

Moving ahead, in 'heap' we will hear the words -- Shallow Heap and Retained Heap.

  • Shallow heap -- is the amount memory consumed by one object. That is, the amount of memory allocated to store the object itself by not taking the reference objects into consideration. The shallow heap size of set of objects is the sum of shallow sizes all objects in the set.
  • Retained heap -- is the amount memory consumed by all objects that are still alive by objects at the root of the retained set. The retained heap size of an object is, "shallow heap size" added with "shallow heap size of objects that are accessible directly or indirectly, only from this object".
    • Retained set -- is the set of objects which will be removed by garbage collection when an object or multiple objects is garbage collected.
In other way, the shallow heap of an object is the size of object in the heap. The retained size of the same object is the amount of heap memory that is freed when this object is garbage collected.

From these two resources (1 and 2), I have understood the details of Shallow Heap and Retained Heap. I feel it is simple and well explained; I have been referring it since years.

Heap dump

It is a snapshot of the memory at a Java process at a given point of time. The dump will consist of Java objects and classes. The reference of memory for the objects and classes will be available in the dump taken. If the Garbage Collection occurs at time of obtaining the dump, then the obtained heap dump will have details and information about the remaining (existing & used, existing & unused) objects and classes.

The heap dump do not tell who created the object and where it was created. Based on type of heap dump, the information available in the dump will be as below.

  1. Classes -- Classloader, name, super class, static fields
  2. Objects -- Class, primitive value and references, fields
  3. Thread Stacks and variables -- The information about call stack of threads at time of obtaining heap dump. The information about local variables and objects.
  4. GC Roots -- The mentioning of objects which are reachable by JVM

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